What is insomnia? Causes, Cures, Remedies



What is insomnia? 

People with an abundance of money are luxurious, they have properties, but they are unable to buy sleep in their life. Today I will be talking about what is insomnia? What are the causes of insomnia?  And how to cure insomnia.

Insomnia basically means you are unable to sleep. You are restless, there is an inability created by either your body or by your mind for you not to sleep. When your body or your mind is diseased it becomes insomnia. 

Causes of insomnia

Mental causes

Mentally you might be anxious, some sort of rage of thoughts running in your head, lots of anxiety issues, depression etc. 

Physical causes

Maybe there is an imbalance in your chemical structures or maybe there is some sort of a wound in your body which is not able to let you sleep. That is because your awareness is continuous on the pain or suffering you might be experiencing.

Cure for insomnia

You will notice that with the physical causes or mental distractions you will be unable to sleep. Which brings to a very important notice and that is just get into sleep we need a minimum criteria of relaxation required in order to sleep though sleep itself is a basic relaxation required for us. 

To cure this Insomnia there are two approaches –

One is medication and the other one is meditation. If you go to medication it is a lifelong approach as far as I know, I am not a psychiatrist to tell you what medicines you have to take, you have to consult the psychiatrist for that but it is a lifelong approach with consumption of tablets or any medications brings side effects in the long run usage which is not very pleasing to be surrendered to this approach.

My approach is meditation. Now why and how meditation can help you cure insomnia? Meditation brings calmness to your body and relaxation to your mind. An average person sleeps on an average for about 6 to 8 hours. In this 6 to 8 hours an Insomnia person would rather sleep ranging from minutes 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 10 minutes ranging till 2 hours to 3 hours and that’s the max and even the sleep is not sound. In other words people who suffer from insomnia have difficulty falling into deep sleep. 

Now bringing meditativeness into your sleep for an average person who has Insomnia will create a deep space within the mind and body which brings relaxation which results in a peaceful deep sleep. It will bring more productivity on your next day’s activities, more energy and more peace. So converting your 8 hours sleep into a meditative sleep which is a productive approach for your everyday life.

The body needs rest and also the body is always in the present and mind following the mind to stay in the present brings tremendous amount of relaxation which induces sleep as one desires. To bring this kind of awareness on the body to relax you need a guided meditation which you can practice in the class I offer. Which is a very specialised technique to cure the problems you are going through and has brought tremendous results to people suffering from Insomnia. 

Here is the link to read more about specialised meditation class.


For a starter to help you sleep until our batches starts here a beautiful guided meditation track which helps you in the initial healing to put you to sleep:

 If you want a more in depth explanation on insomnia we have made a video about it on our YouTube channel, you can find the link below :