Jivopanishad: Beginner – 21 days

Jivopanishad Meditation is a beautifully designed meditation class by Master Samhith with theories and practices that help you stay calm and increase your concentration, memory power, productivity, patience, emotional intelligence, rejuvenation and get rid of anxiety, depression, negative thoughts, addiction, insomnia, etc.

It is a systematic one-hour experiential class with step-by-step guidance along with 15 minutes of theory and 45 minutes of meditation practice to enter into a blissful state of mind. The class is conducted to help the student experience step-by-step growth in meditation, experience change, and adapt meditativeness into their lifestyle. You will notice yourself sitting for 45 minutes just on the 3rd day of the meditation class. Shocked? The best part is you don’t need any prior knowledge or practice of meditation to attend this class. Everything here will be taught from scratch. Even more surprising if your goal is to just stay calm and focus on what is necessary, then once you attend these meditation classes you don’t need any other remedy for your issue or any other meditation classes.

Then why wait?

This meditation is offered in two variations: offline (only for those who can travel daily to the center) and online (for everybody). The classes are for 21 days.


  1. Freedom from all kinds of emotional blockages like depression, anxiety, hyper anger, stress, etc.
  2. Experiential transformation like better concentration, memory power, emotional control, patience, etc.
  3. An overall development of personality like staying calm and composed and being conscious of all your reactions
  4. Spiritual experiences and progress such as better energy throughout the body
  5. Peace and tranquility throughout the day
  6. Equilibrium in all walks of life where you are conscious of emotions, thoughts, and actions you choose
  7. Knowledge and openness towards life
  8. New vision and insights for life as your productivity and sharpness develop immensely

(Meditation classes are conducted separately for children and adults.)


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