
The word psychology comes from the root word ‘psyche’ which means ‘mind’. The mind is divided into three parts, that is Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious mind. The Conscious mind is endowed with thoughts, analysis, logic, calculation, etc. The Subconscious mind is endowed with concentration, memory and  imagination and the Unconscious mind is endowed with dreams. If we look closely, all the parts of your mind are actually helping you to stay in the present moment.

Psychology is that process which helps us to stay in the present. The general misconception about psychology is that it is only meant for people who have problems, but it isn’t so. Psychology is required for everybody to help us manage our minds better. It is like a service station for our mind to get refreshed. Just like how our cars or bikes need servicing every now and then. The more you use your vehicle run without servicing, the more it is likely to breakdown. Similarly the mind also needs servicing to be free and in a proper working condition.

The services we offer are Personal Counselling and various Meditative Therapies.